
  • Exclusive New Photo Contest
    Did you know FOJG members have exclusive access to post new photos in the Fan Photo Gallery? We want to give you a chance to upload your favorite Josh photos AND enter for a chance to win a signed copy of the Limited Fan Edition of Illuminations at the same time! Here's how to enter:

    - Post your favorite Josh photos into the Fan Gallery by clicking on Upload Photo. It can be anything from live concerts, artwork and graphics, pictures of you and Josh and more!
    - Upload as many pictures as you want! Photos previously uploaded to the gallery also counts as an entry.

    It's that easy! Every day we'll be featuring a new photo directly on the homepage of Photo entries must be posted by October 31st. We'll then go through all of the submissions and choose one lucky winner to receive an autographed copy of the Limited Fan Edition of Illuminations. The winner will be posted in FOJG and contacted via email to claim their prize.

    If you have any questions, email or PM jgSarah on the message boards.

    Have fun and good luck!
Submitted by jgSarah on